Exciting visit to Fonderie 2A

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May 28, 2024

On May 22nd, the H2AL partners came together at Fonderie 2A SPA. in Torino to evaluate our project’s progress and map out our next steps.

Our primary goal is to implement a pioneering demonstrator at Fonderie 2A by the end of the project. This cutting-edge system will operate entirely on hydrogen, representing a significant step forward in sustainable industrial practices.

During our meeting, we delved into the project’s core objectives: developing an integrated hydrogen burner and support system for a heating furnace in an HTAI. This initiative is set to transform the aluminum scrap recycling industry by examining the effects of hydrogen combustion on furnace structures and product quality, all while minimizing emissions.

The past six months have been a period of intense dedication and hard work from all partners, leading to remarkable progress. We are excited to continue this journey, pushing boundaries and setting new standards in the industry.

Stay tuned for more updates as we move forward!


The project is supported by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership and its members and Co-Founded by the European Union under grant agreement No. 10137610
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