Meet the partner

Ibán Vicario
Project Manager at Tecnalia
Project Contribution

Ibán Vicario is a project manager at Tecnalia. He oversees the optimisation and decarbonisation of aluminium foundries. He helps to set technical requirements, test new H2 burners and create advanced simulations to check they work well in industry.

Tecnalia supports the whole project, making sure processes are secure and meet quality and safety standards.

Key Expertise

Ibán holds a Ph.D. in Chemistry of Condensed Matter and has great experience in materials engineering, decarbonization of industrial processes, and the circular economy. His expertise lies in:
- Developing and testing new alloys and metals.
- Innovating industrial processes for decarbonization.
- Designing advanced simulations for hydrogen combustion and process optimization.
- Providing technical support and in-situ training in metallurgical processes.


Ibán's involvement in H2AL aims to establish hydrogen as a viable decarbonization solution for aluminum foundries and other hard-to-abate industries (HTAIs). The project will deliver::
- Optimized energy consumption processes combining H2 and electric heating.
- Enhanced knowledge and standards for industrial hydrogen applications.
- Long-term advancements in HTAIs' decarbonization capabilities.

He sees H2AL as a way to cut industrial emissions, bring together top European research, universities and industries, and make the future more sustainable for energy-intensive sectors.


H2AL provides a unique opportunity to redefine industrial decarbonization through hydrogen technology. We combine innovation, testing and collaboration to create efficient, sustainable solutions for hard-to-abate industries.

Ibán Vicario


The project is supported by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership and its members and Co-Founded by the European Union under grant agreement No. 10137610
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